
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Joseph Henry Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament is one of the greatest achievements in biblical scholarship at the turn of the last century. As the culmination of nearly three decades of work, it contains more than 5,000 entries, references to hundreds of grammatical and exegetical works, detailed etymology, and complete summaries of both biblical and extra-biblical word usage....

ἐν χάριτι, with grace [the subst. ἅλας being added; see Bp. Lghtft.], Col. 4:6. 2. good-will, loving-kindness, favor: in a broad sense, χάρις παρά τινι, Lk. 2:52; ἔχειν χάριν πρός τινα, to have favor with one, Acts 2:47; χάρις ἐναντίον τινός, Acts 7:10; [χάριν κατά τινος αἰτεῖσθαι ὅπως (q. v. II. 2), Acts 25:3 (but al. refer this to 3 b. below)]; χάρις (of God) ἐατὶν ἐπί τινα, attends and assists one, Lk. 2:40; Acts 4:33; χάριν (χάριτα) χάριτας κατατίθεσθαί τινι (see
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